Video library
Welcome & Introduction
Simon McGough
A New Chapter for Wood
Ken Gilmartin
Markets & Growth
Jennifer Richmond
Azad Hessamodini
Mike Collins
Craig Shanaghey
Financial Framework
David Kemp
Ken Gilmartin
Simon于2021年12月加入Wood担任投资者关系总裁. 西蒙曾在多个行业工作,包括电信、化工、商业服务和航空航天 & 他从巴布科克国际公司(Babcock International)加入伍德,担任投资者关系总监. Before that, Simon was Head of Investor Relations at Johnson Matthey, and worked in investor relations, finance and strategy at Vodafone. He is a Chartered accountant.
Jennifer在为客户提供一流的解决方案方面拥有超过20年的经验, 领导转型计划和确定战略增长领域.
In her role, 她通过战略规划对Wood的发展负责, business development, mergers and acquisitions, and marketing and communications.
Before joining Wood, Jennifer曾在Jacobs担任过各种领导职务,包括联邦和环境解决方案业务的高级销售副总裁.
Before that, 她曾担任推进国家安全和国防业务的高级副总裁,领导一个由5000人组成的全球团队,为美国国防部提供关键任务解决方案.S. Department of Defence and other government clients.
Jennifer lives near Washington DC, US.
Mike拥有超过30年的经验,其中23年在Wood工作, 他曾担任各种高级领导职务,管理资本项目和运营交付. 他还担任过领导项目交付保证和主要整合计划的关键职能角色.
In his career at Wood, 迈克曾在包括亚洲在内的多个地理位置工作和生活, Australia, the Middle East, China, Africa and Europe. 他认为在如此多元的文化环境中工作是一种荣幸,并利用这一经验推动Wood的项目业务在全球取得成功. Prior to his current role, 迈克是伍德欧洲资本项目业务的总裁, Africa, Australia and Asia.
Mike拥有工商管理硕士学位,是一名合格的机械工程师. He lives in the UK with his wife and three children.
David is chief financial officer (CFO) of Wood. Formerly CFO of Wood Group from May 2015, 他于2013年加入Wood Group,担任其Wood Group PSN业务的首席财务官, 负责财务和行政方面的工作, IT, real estate, and legal services.
David has more than 20 years' experience in the oil & gas sector and prior to joining Wood Group, held executive roles at Trap Oil Group, Technip, Simmons and Company International, and Hess Corporation, working across finance, mergers & acquisitions and operations. David是英国特许会计师协会(Institute of Chartered Accountants)的成员,并持有会计荣誉学位.
肯•吉尔马丁是Wood的首席执行官和董事会执行成员. He was appointed as CEO of Wood in July 2022, 他于2021年9月加入公司,担任首席运营官.
Ken专注于建立公司坚实的基础,以抓住能源安全和可持续发展方面的增长机会, and deliver value for shareholders over the medium term.
Before joining Wood, Ken在Jacobs工作了15年,担任过各种运营和项目领导职务,包括执行副总裁 & 提供解决方案业务,在那里他负责Jacobs整体业务组合的一半以上的运营责任. 在他25年的职业生涯中,Ken一直在国际上工作,包括在欧洲多个部门领导重大项目的交付, Asia, North America, and the Middle East region.
Ken来自爱尔兰,曾在德国、印度尼西亚、卡塔尔、埃及和美国生活和工作. He is married and has three daughter
阿扎德拥有超过25年的国际建筑经验, energy, management consulting, mining services and private equity sectors. 他于2011年加入Wood,领导亚太地区的海底油田开发, 深水工程和资产完整性部门进入增长之前 & development function.
Most recently, 他曾担任Wood's Consulting业务的增长和发展总裁,负责发展和实施增长战略, and business planning globally.
Craig is Executive President of Operations at Wood, a role he assumed in July 2022, giving him executive responsibility for 15,在全球范围内,我们拥有超过5000名优秀人才,并为众多行业提供市场领先的运营解决方案.
在制药行业积累了三十年的经验, oil, gas and broader energy industries, Craig是一位经验丰富的项目和运营领导者. In his 18 years at Wood, and in his former role as President of Operations for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Craig一直致力于通过创新的客户和供应商合作伙伴关系来实现业务增长和提高收益质量, end market diversification, and an empowered and motivated workforce.
克雷格热衷于就多样性和包容性问题展开对话, aiming to drive meaningful action and change, 正式担任英国海上能源多元化和包容性工作组主席, 以及他作为能源领袖联盟成员的角色. In addition, Craig是一名特许工程师,也是化学工程师学会的会员, 能源研究所研究员,并被任命为AFBE英国顾问委员会成员, the Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers.